SIAM International Journal <p><a title="SIAM International Journal" href=""><strong>SIAM International Journal</strong></a> peer-reviewed research <em>journals</em>, Call for Papers, Online Journal, Open Access, Double Blind Reviewed, Referred, Indexed Google Scholar, published quarterly. This journal applied and invites submission from lecturers, teachers, students, and individuals concerned with topics related to Health, Education, Law, Business, Mathematics, UB, UMRI, etc.</p> en-US (Manager SIAM) (Technical) Sat, 22 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 History of The Development of Science <div><em>The type of research that the author uses is a type of qualitative research using a content analysis approach (Content Analysis), or what can be called a content study. This analysis is a research technique for making a conclusion or inference that can be replicated and the correctness of the data by taking into account the context. The object of this research is explored through various information in the form of books, interpretations, journals. The history of science, which is a long process of growth and development of science itself, cannot be separated from its existence. Something brand-new with characteristics specific to that era emerges at each stage of the development of science. The social dynamics of a cultural conflict have led to these characteristics. Obviously, this can't be isolated from different social, social and political impacts that create alongside the advancement of science itself. Thus, the ancient Greek, Islamic, Renaissance, Modern, and Contemporary periods the ancient Greek period, the Islamic period, and the Renaissance and Modern Period can be used to categorize the development of science.</em></div> Widya Khairunnisah, Salminawati Salminawati, Rana Farras Irmi Copyright (c) 2023 Widya Khairunnisah, Salminawati Salminawati, Rana Farras Irmi Sat, 13 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Tax Audit, Tax Amnesty, and Tax Sanctions on Taxpayer Compliance at Pratama Bima Tax Services Office <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of tax audits, tax amnesty, and tax sanctions on taxpayer compliance at the Bima Pratama Tax Service Office. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Preliminary data were obtained through each respondent's answers, and secondary data was obtained from KPP Pratama Bima related to the number of individual registered taxpayers, taxpayers subject to SPT, and taxpayers reporting SPT. The samples in this study were 92 individual taxpayers registered at KPP Pratama Bima. Data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical program. These results indicate that simultaneously and partially, the tax audit, tax amnesty, and tax sanctions variables positively and significantly affect individual taxpayer compliance.</p> Khas Sukma Mulya, Muhammad Rizkan , Fitriani Fitriani Copyright (c) 2023 Khas Sukma Mulya, Muhammad Rizkan , Fitriani Fitriani Sat, 13 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Mortuary Excavation and Recording Approaches <p>Mortuary archaeology examines the treatment of the dead, consisting of the study of human remains as well their funerary landscapes, monuments, and material assemblages. Human societies respond to and treat death in diverse ways between cultures and throughout time, which provides archaeologists with the opportunity to gain insight into the funerary rituals, the relationship between the living and the dead, and the social, political, and economic organization of the populations of study. This entry reviews excavation and recording techniques in mortuary archaeology as well as contemporary topics of importance in this field.</p> Selin Nugent Copyright (c) 2023 Selin Nugent Sat, 22 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Various Paradigms in Islamic Educational Thought: Fundamentalism, Modernism, and Liberalism <p>Substantially, Islamic education contains meaning and purpose. According to Muljono Damopolii, the purpose of Islamic education has a significant contribution in giving birth to various types of education, such as military education, teacher education, Islamic education, and so on. Paradigms are oriented to basic meanings, perspectives on things, and the ability to create descriptions that drive change. This research was conducted with a library approach. Researchers collect articles related to various paradigms in Islamic education thinking. With that, it was found that the discussion about the Islamic education paradigm means linking it to the present context. Before discussing further the paradigm of Islamic education, the author should describe the meaning of the paradigm. The paradigm means (1) Cases used as samples or examples, (2) an Outline of basic concepts and postulations that become references in the research process, (3) Models in scientific theory, (4) Groups of thought systems, thinking frameworks, a link lists all the formations of a word showing the word's conjugation and declension. According to Mahmud, the paradigm is (1) a way of looking at something, (2) a model, pattern, or ideal. From these models, various phenomena are viewed and explained, (3) Total theoretical and methodological premises that define and describe a concrete scientific study.</p> Eka Firmansyah , Tobroni Tobroni, Muhamad Muhamad Copyright (c) 2023 Eka Firmansyah , Tobroni Tobroni, Muhamad Muhamad Sat, 13 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Safer Gambling and Consumer Protection Failings Among 40 Frequently Visited Cryptocurrency-Based Online Gambling Operators <p>Objective: Online gambling has increased the accessibility and range of gambling products available to people all over the world. This trend has been particularly noticeable in the United Kingdom. Cryptocurrency-based gambling is a new, largely unregulated, way to gamble online, which uses mostly anonymous blockchain-based technologies, such as Bitcoin. The present research investigated consumer protection features of 40 frequently visited and U.K.-accessible cryptocurrency-based online gambling operators. Method: A content analysis was performed by visiting all 40 cryptocurrency-based online operators and recording their safer gambling and consumer protection practices. Coded features included aspects of the sign-up process, features of any safer gambling pages, customer support practices, and Identity verification. Results: Results revealed significant failings in the account registration process; none of the operators verified the identity of new users, and 35% required only an email or no personal information for sign-up. Overall, 37.5% of operators offered no safer gambling tools and a further 20% offered only one. Additionally, 64.7% of operators continued to email promotional material after being informed of a user’s impaired control when gambling. Less than half of the analyzed operators held a valid license (47.5%), and none of the operators with an available deposit page required identity verification before enabling deposits. Conclusions: These results highlight the potential risks for young and vulnerable individuals, especially when a lack of identity verification is paired with the inherent anonymity of cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for greater policy and research attention toward cryptocurrency-based online gambling.</p> Maira Andrade, Steve Sharman, Leon Y. Xiao, Philip Newall Copyright (c) 2023 Maira Andrade, Steve Sharman, Leon Y. Xiao, Philip Newall Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000 An Open and Reproducible Analysis of a Controversial Criminal Law Decision: Mission IMM-Possible? <p>Reproducibility and open access are central to the research process, enabling researchers to verify and build upon each other’s work, and allowing the public to rely on that work. These ideals are perhaps even more important in legal and criminological research, fields that actively seek to inform law and policy. This article has two goals. First, it seeks to advance legal and criminological research methods by serving as an example of a reproducible and open analysis of a controversial criminal evidence decision. Towards that end, this study relies on open source software, and includes an app ( allowing readers to access and read through the judicial decisions being analysed. The second goal is to examine the effect of the 2016 High Court of Australia decision, IMM v The Queen, which appeared to limit safeguards against evidence known to contribute to wrongful convictions in Australia and abroad.</p> Jason Chin Copyright (c) 2023 Jason Chin Sat, 22 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000